  "layer": "top", // Waybar on highest layer so tooltips go over windows
    "output": "eDP-1", // Set output to primary monitor
    "height": 40, // Set height to avoid jumping due to active workspace indicator
		"margin-left": 0,
		"margin-right": 0,
		"margin-top": 0,
    "modules-left": ["niri/workspaces", "clock#time", "clock#date", "battery"], // Sets modules for the left of the bar
    "modules-center": ["niri/window"], // Set modules for the center of the bar
    "modules-right": ["tray", "temperature", "cpu", "memory", "wireplumber"], // Set modules for the right of the bar
    "clock#time": {
    "format": "<span color=\"#7aa2f7\"> </span>{:%H:%M:%S}",
    "interval": 1,
  "clock#date": {
    "format": "<span color=\"#7aa2f7\"> </span>{:%Y/%m/%d}",
    "tooltip-format": "<tt>{calendar}</tt>",
    "interval": 360,
    "calendar": {
      "mode": "month",
      "mode-mon-col": 4,
      "weeks-pos": "right",
      "on-scroll": 1,
      "on-click-right": "mode",
      "format": {
        "months": "<span color='#c0caf5'><b>{}</b></span>",
        "days": "<span color='#c0caf5'><b>{}</b></span>",
        "weeks": "<span color='#7dcfff'><b>W{}</b></span>",
        "weekdays": "<span color='#ff9e64'><b>{}</b></span>",
        "today": "<span color='#f7768e'><b><u>{}</u></b></span>",
  "battery": {
    "interval": 60,
    "states": {
      "warning": 40,
      "critical": 20,
    "format": "{icon} {capacity}%",
    "format-icons": [
      "<span color=\"#f7768e\"> </span>",
      "<span color=\"#f7768e\"> </span>",
      "<span color=\"#7aa2f7\"> </span>",
      "<span color=\"#7aa2f7\"> </span>",
      "<span color=\"#7aa2f7\"> </span>",
    "format-charging": "<span color=\"#e0af68\">󱐌</span> {capacity}%",
  "cpu": {
    "format": "<span color=\"#7aa2f7\"> </span>{usage}%",
    "interval": 4,
  "memory": {
    "format": "<span color=\"#7aa2f7\"> </span>{used}GiB",
    "interval": 4,
  "temperature": {
    "hwmon-path": "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/temp1_input",
    "critical-threshold": 80,
    "format": "<span color=\"#7aa2f7\"> </span>{temperatureC}°C",
    "format-critical": "<span color=\"#f7768e\"> </span>{temperatureC}°C",
    "interval": 4,
  "wireplumber": {
    "scroll-step": 1, // %, can be a float
    "format": "<span color=\"#7aa2f7\">{icon} </span>{volume}%",
    "format-muted": "<span color=\"#f7768e\">󰝟 </span>Muted",
    "format-icons": ["", "", ""],
    "on-click": "pavucontrol",
		"interval": 4,
  "niri/window": {
    "max-length": 64,
  "tray": {
    "icon-size": 22,
    "spacing": 6,