{ pkgs, inputs, ... }: { programs.nixvim = { enable = true; plugins.lualine.enable = true; opts = { number = true; relativenumber = true; expandtab = true; autoindent = true; shiftwidth = 2; smartindent = true; tabstop = 2; ignorecase = true; incsearch = true; smartcase = true; }; colorscheme = "github_dark_tritanopia"; clipboard.register = "unnamed"; globals = { mapleader = ","; }; extraPlugins = [ (pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin { name = "github-theme"; src = inputs.nvim-github-theme; }) ]; keymaps = [ { action = "Neotree toggle"; key = "s"; mode = "n"; options.silent = true; } { # shortcut to command mode action = ":"; key = ";"; mode = [ "n" "x" ]; options.silent = true; } { # insert line below without moving cursor action = "printf('m`%so``', v:count1)"; key = "o"; options.expr = true; mode = "n"; } { # insert line above without moving cursor action = "printf('m`%sO``', v:count1)"; key = "O"; options.expr = true; mode = "n"; } # nice emacs bindings { action = ""; key = ""; mode = "i"; } { action = ""; key = ""; mode = "i"; } # quick chat with copilot { key = "ccq"; action.__raw = '' function() local input = vim.fn.input("Quick chat: ") if input ~= "" then require("CopilotChat").ask(input, { selection = require("CopilotChat.select").buffer }) end end ''; mode = [ "n" "v" ]; } # ask perplexity a quick question { key = "ccs"; action.__raw = '' function() local input = vim.fn.input("Perplexity: ") if input ~= "" then require("CopilotChat").ask(input, { agent = "perplexityai", selection = false, }) end end ''; mode = [ "n" "v" ]; } ]; plugins.cmp = { enable = true; settings = { formatting.fields = [ "abbr" "kind" "menu" ]; experimental = { ghost_text = true; }; snippet.expand = '' function(args) require('luasnip').lsp_expand(args.body) end ''; sources = [ { name = "nvim_lsp"; } { name = "emoji"; } { name = "luasnip"; } { name = "buffer"; } { name = "path"; } ]; mapping = { "" = "cmp.mapping.abort()"; "" = "cmp.mapping.select_next_item()"; "" = "cmp.mapping.select_prev_item()"; "" = "cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4)"; "" = "cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4)"; "" = '' cmp.mapping(function(fallback) if cmp.visible() then if require("luasnip").expandable() then require("luasnip").expand() else cmp.confirm({ select = true, }) end else fallback() end end) ''; # plain tab conflicts with i try to indent "" = '' cmp.mapping(function(fallback) if require("luasnip").jumpable(1) then require("luasnip").jump(1) else fallback() end end,{"i","s"}) ''; "" = '' cmp.mapping(function(fallback) if require("luasnip").jumpable(-1) then require("luasnip").jump(-1) else fallback() end end,{"i","s"}) ''; }; }; }; plugins.lsp = { enable = true; keymaps.lspBuf = { "K" = "hover"; "gd" = "definition"; "gD" = "references"; # "gt" = "type_definition"; # conflicts with switch tab "gI" = "type_definition"; "gi" = "implementation"; }; servers = { bashls.enable = true; lua_ls.enable = true; nil_ls = { enable = true; settings = { formatting.command = [ "nix" "fmt" ]; nix.flake.autoArchive = true; }; }; rust_analyzer = { enable = true; installRustc = true; installCargo = true; }; eslint.enable = true; }; }; plugins.treesitter = { enable = true; nixGrammars = true; settings = { indent.enable = true; auto_install = true; highlight.enable = true; }; }; plugins.fzf-lua = { enable = true; profile = "fzf-native"; keymaps = { "ff" = "files"; "fg" = "live_grep"; }; }; plugins.neo-tree = { enable = true; buffers.followCurrentFile.enabled = true; window.width = 30; }; plugins.gitsigns = { enable = true; settings.current_line_blame = true; }; plugins.copilot-chat = { enable = true; settings = { model = "claude-3.5-sonnet"; }; }; plugins.cmp-buffer.enable = true; plugins.cmp-emoji.enable = true; plugins.cmp-nvim-lsp.enable = true; plugins.cmp-path.enable = true; plugins.cmp_luasnip.enable = true; plugins.luasnip.enable = true; plugins.nvim-autopairs.enable = true; plugins.rainbow-delimiters.enable = true; plugins.web-devicons.enable = true; plugins.auto-save.enable = true; plugins.indent-blankline.enable = true; plugins.undotree.enable = true; }; }